Registrations are closed
SRS Matha, Chicago celebrates YATI ARADHANA this year on Saturday March 11th, 2023.
Yati Aradhana is celebrated on account of Aradhana Mahotsava of these Yati Traya, which fall on these consecutive three days:
1) Sri Sudheendra Teertharu - Phalguna Krishna Dwiteeya
2) Sri Vadiraja Teertharu - Phalguna Krishna Thruteeya
3) Sri Vyasaraja Teertharu - Phalguna Krishna Chaturthi
The Yati Aradhana Pooja will include Pooja, Stotra pathana and sangeethopachara for the three Saints and few other rituals. The pooja follows prasada.
ALL ARE WELCOME! Please share with friends and relatives and have them RSVP for required arrangements.